Philipp Horner is a proud father of 2 sons, which drives his strong motivation for sustainability. He loves to collaborate and work cross-sectoral / -industry. He has a strong technical and economic background and more than 10 years of experience in the automotive & steel industry. After several development steps in the areas of operational excellence, purchasing and circular economy, he is now the Chief Sustainability Officer. Not only balancing but leveraging the opportunities between different aspects of sustainability (people, planet & profit) is his clear goal.
Who is responsible for tomorrow?
In the last years Philipp had the opportunity to meet and discuss with amazing and smart people from diverse backgrounds. He got the feeling that we live in a more and more polarizing world and "we" try to find a quick fix and / or find THE "culprit" for very complex problems. Climate Change is a very good example of one of the very prominent problems. Philipp wants to give some facts and figures to the global leavers and want to invite you to find your individual opportunity to participate in a positive change. The main message Philipp finds to be perfectly summed up in a quote from Abraham Lincoln: "You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today."
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