Costin Busioc
At 13, Costin Busioc started volunteering internationally across Europe. As he started his career in Software 8 years ago, he wanted to continue this passion for multicultural environments and had amazing opportunities to work for companies like Amazon or Bloomberg in places like London and New York. In 5 years, his career was boosted from an Intern to Senior Engineer and now to Product Manager. With 45 cultural impacts and polishes, travel has taught him like he never expected, shaping both his personal & professional journey.

Why travel is the worst passion you can have

In this extremely interconnected and multicultural society we live in right now, thinking global can unlock great leverage to your career, life, and vision. We’re all citizens of the World, but with a thousand perspectives on society, how to live life, ideas and aspirations. Culture is in our collective DNA, and your particular DNA is positively affected by embracing the World, new lifestyles and mindsets. Curious how?

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